Author: Admin Fiberail

MyNOG 11

5 June 2024, Bangsar South : Fiberail team members in the recent MyNOG 11 Conference meeting up with network industry players, fostering relationship with customer and potential client, latest technology discussion and exchange experiences for the greater good of Internet. #Connecting the World to You...

Jul , 11
KSF Internal Bowling Tournament 2024

KSF Internal Bowling Tournament 2024

3 May 2024, Bangi: We Work Hard, We Play Even Harder! KSF Bowling Tournament amongst FSB employees and the management team. Teams that Play Together, Stay Together! 💪 #fosterrelationship #Internalengagement #Teamwork #YourPreferredNetworksolution

May , 9

AGM KSF 2024-2025

3 May 24, Cyberjaya: Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kelab Sukan Fiberail Sesi 2024/2025 bagi pemilihan Ahli Jawatankuasa yang baru. Terima kasih kepada AJK yang lepas dan tahniah kepada AJK baru! Majulah Kelab Sukan Fiberail 😎

May , 8

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